Friday, December 11, 2009

An onion that I wrote in a Cafetto's

The waitress stood at the end of the booth where two men sat, one older and one younger. The younger sat with his eyes straight ahead at the older man, but the older man's eyes were playing musical chairs across the tables. Their eyes were remarkingly similar, both a bright ocean blue, although the older man had glasses. Must be father and son, she thought, as her gaze landed against the Doberman painting on the wall.
"Are you guys ready to order?" She asked at her restaurant pitch. The tone of her voice shut the menus on the table and the two men looked up at each other like clockwork. The older gentlemen's eyes turned to her and traveled up her body. She could feel them rest contently on her V-neck.
"Ya I think so, Laura," the dad said as his eyes squinted the two feet to her name tag. Okay, you can stop staring, Laura thought as the man's gaze took the long way, down her black pants, to get to her eyes. The son shifted his water closer to him.
"Actually I'll take a minute, please," the son said as he looked at his dad.

The waitress stood at the end of the booth where two women sat, one older and one younger. The younger sat with her hands under her butt and the older had her elbows on the table with her hands clasped in the air. They looked like they could be in a principles office. Must be mother and daughter, Laura thought, as her gaze landed on the Lilac painting on the wall.
"Are you guys ready to order?" She asked in her dining room tone. The pitch in her voice shut the menus and the two women looked up at each other. Like clockwork, Laura thought.
"Oh sure we are, are you ready Christina?" The mother asked as she looked above her daughter's eyes. The daughter wore a blue flannel shirt and a black stocking cap.
"It's Chris," the daughter said with a wink at Laura. "And ya, let me get the Chicken Fried Steak." Her menu was en route to Laura before the mother intercepted it with a deliberately calm grab.
"Pick something else," She said as she put the menu back in front of Chris.
"That's what I want," Chris said as she handed the menu back to Laura. Laura looked down at the mother who looked like she was sewing a button onto Chris's face, she just stared and stared as her fingers twitched.
"Okay then," the mother said as she handed her menu to Laura. "I don't think we'll be needing anything today. Thanks." Laura felt the menu fall into her hand as she looked down at Chris. She didn't look unhappy and she didn't look angry.
"Okay well thanks for stopping in," Laura's voice said until it trailed off.

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