Friday, December 11, 2009

Blue Moon and a dream I had after eating too much spaghetti

The sun bent down over the rim of the colliseum, spreading out it's best light to halo the top most ring of seats. The rays walked down the aisles to find a dusty spot in front of Jack's bare leather feet. Jack looked down at the rays and around the vacant seats that were overshadowed by the lion-like monoliths that opened toward the shaking gates in front of him.
Jack brought his hand from his side and smoothed out a puff in his thin, purple pants. They were the kind that expanded out when you moved, like wind in sails. But there was no wind today but the gates shook like there was a tsunami at the gate, rocks and dust spat out of the clay and onto the ground. It kept shaking but Jack did not feel afraid.
The dust hit his nose and made him sneeze blood all over the ground. He looked up at the gate, shaking harder than ever, and he fingered the Arabian sword that was hooked to his vellum smooth belt. The gate's rattle created a groove beneath it, and it was sinking lower and lower into the ground.
The crack at the top began to drop lower as it sunk in the groove. In between the crack, hairy mouths were shouting out words Jack did not know. Jack walked up to the crack and smiled.
"So you think you can destroy me!" Jack yelled as he slammed a fist against his bare chest, but he almost knocked himself over as he made contact against his flat pectoral. Jack caught his breath before he walked up to the opening and swung his blade through it and it came out dripping red with one dangling blue eye on the end of the hook.
Jack paused to look at the eye, it looked just like his own, accept for the sinews of red vein that clung to the back of it, he had never seen that. He twisted the eye around to look at the sinews, they dripped off it like tree root, it reminded him of transplanting hostas in the spring. Jack bent down and took a scoop of sand out of the ground and dropped the eye into the hole before he covered it. As he covered it the gate broke down in front of him and a horde of hordes swelled out after him.
Jack waited the second for them to reach him before he lifted off one knee and swung at the chest of the first long beard. His chest opened like a cat food can hucked at the ground, but surprisingly there was no blood, the stuff looked like cat food.

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